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Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Cat Litter On Ice.

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Cat Litter On Ice

So, you’ve probably heard that old wives’ tale, right? The one that says scattering cat litter on ice can help your tires grip better. Weird, right?Does cat litter work on ice?  But here’s the thing – it’s only kinda true. Cat litter does have a grainy texture, which can create some friction between the ice and your tires. But – and this is a big but – it doesn’t melt the ice. It just sits there on top, creating a temporary, gritty surface. Hope I’ve answered your query- ‘does cat litter work on ice’.

Get ready for winter with Walk On Ice instant traction on snow and ice


The Not-So-Great Part

Now, that might sound like a win, but there are some drawbacks. First off, it’s not a permanent solution. The ice underneath starts melting, turning the whole thing into a slippery, gooey mess. Not ideal!

And then there’s the environmental aspect. A lot of cat litters have chemicals and fragrances that can seep into water sources when they mix with melting snow and ice. Plus, it’s not exactly cheap, and you’d need quite a bit to cover a large area. Therefore, knowing ‘does cat litter work on ice’ is not sufficient. So here’s the deal with cat litter on ice. It’s super absorbent. That’s why it’s good for, well, you know, its intended purpose. The idea is that it will soak up the moisture on the ice and make it less slippery. Makes sense, right? Well, yes and no. While cat litter on ice can provide some traction, it doesn’t actually melt the ice. Plus, it can turn into a sludgy mess as it absorbs water. Not exactly what we’re going for.

Enter: Walk On Ice

So, if cat litter’s not the answer, what is? Here’s where Walk On Ice comes into play. It’s a traction agent that works instantly on all icy surfaces. No more waiting around for salt and ice melt to do their thing while you slip and slide all over the place. Walk On Ice gets to work straight away, and – bonus! – it even works on black ice. You know, that super sneaky, almost invisible ice that’s the cause of so many accidents.

What’s more, it’s super handy. It fits in your bag or glove box, and it’s safe for pets, people, and property. The tiny suckers in the product absorb the water on the ice, and then the grippers lock into the ice, creating a stable, non-skid surface. Perfect for both walking and driving.

Get ready for winter with Walk On Ice instant traction on snow and ice

The Takeaway

While cat litter might give you a smidge of traction on icy surfaces, it’s not the most effective or eco-friendly option out there. Instead, opt for something like Walk On Ice. It provides instant traction, even on black ice, and it’s safe for everyone and everything. So next time you find yourself in a slippery situation, leave the cat litter for the cats and reach for Walk On Ice instead. Stay safe out there, folks!

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